Most common Arrival Airport
Below are the Top 10 most common arrival airports.
| Airport | Country | # of times | 1 | London, United Kingdom (EGLL) | United Kingdom | 579109 |
2 | New York, United States (KJFK) | United States | 423252 |
3 | London, United Kingdom (EGKK) | United Kingdom | 344131 |
4 | Miami, United States (KMIA) | United States | 304060 |
5 | Amsterdam, Netherlands (EHAM) | Netherlands | 300870 |
6 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates (OMDB) | United Arab Emirates | 284296 |
7 | Boston, United States (KBOS) | United States | 284193 |
8 | San Francisco, United States (KSFO) | United States | 278347 |
9 | Zurich, Switzerland (LSZH) | Switzerland | 235507 |
10 | Los Angeles, United States (KLAX) | United States | 226379 |